Sunday, April 3, 2011

NS011: Whitening Skin Goat Milk Soap (RM 24.00)

Effects: Make the skin delicate, shiny and elastic

For skin: Suitable for baby and sensitive skin

Goat's milk and human milk contain the same active factor ---- epidermal growth factor (Epidemal Growth Factor, EGF). EGF can promote human epithelial cells grow and infiltrate rich in nutrients in the milk, they can rapid growth, to repair the aging, necrosis, wear to epithelial cells, and also to prevent bacterial invasion, to ensure the body's normal physiological function. EGF protein also contributes to the formation of skin elasticity, skin whitening and healthy. Goat milk can help acne skin, because the protein in goat milk can kill acne bacteria. Goat milk soap is ideal for sensitive skin to use, because it does not contain such as alcohol, oil additives and preservatives. This reduces the skin irritation and the risk of allergic reaction. There is a natural nutritional goat skin moisture, reduce skin itching.

Ingredients: Olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, shea butter, goat milk, frankincense essential oils.

Weight: 100 ± 5g

Price: RM 24.00 per pcs (Exclude Post Fee)

Status: 10pcs

Interested to order the soap??

Pre-order methods:

(1) Post your message or email to me and let me know the quantity of soap you want to pre-order.
(2) I will record your reservation and email back you. Please confirm the order within three days and transfer the money to my bank account; otherwise, the order will automatically cancel (unless notified).
(3) After the remittance please immediately notify to me through e-mail, state your name, amount of money and time of remittance.
(4) Soap will send to your house after full curing.