Wednesday, January 5, 2011

NS005: Sesame oil soap (RM16.50)

NS005: Sesame oil soap (RM16.50)

Effects: nourish the skin, accelerate cell skin regeneration

Sesame oil is suitable for aging and dry skin, rich in essential fatty acids and natural vitamin E and sesamin, has very excellent effect on anti-oxidant and anti-free radical, can protect the skin from UV rays. The oil itself contains a high moisturizing effect, can promote blood circulation, and accelerate cell skin regeneration, prevention of UV features.

Ingredients: Sesame oil, coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, rice bran oil, grapefruit essential oil, geranium essential oil.

Weight: 100 ± 5g

Price: RM16.50 per pcs (Exclude Post Fee)

Status: 3 pcs, soap in the curing process (18/01/2011)

Interested to order the soap??

Pre-order methods:

(1) Post your message or email to me and let me know the quantity of soap you want to pre-order.
(2) I will record your reservation and email back you. Please confirm the order within three days and transfer the money to my bank account; otherwise, the order will automatically cancel (unless notified).
(3) After the remittance please immediately notify to me through e-mail, state your name, amount of money and time of remittance.
(4) Soap will send to your house after full curing.

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