Sunday, May 29, 2011

NS009: Chamomile Soap (RM18.00)

Effects:  Increase skin elasticity, and good to dry and itchy skin

Chamomile can help relieve burns, blisters, inflamed wounds, ulcers and more. Help improve eczema, acne, herpes, psoriasis, hypersensitive skin, and general allergy. In addition, chamomile can also help heal broken capillaries, increase skin elasticity, and good to dry and itchy skin. It also helps to eliminate swelling, strengthen the skin organization and is a very good product for skin care.

Ingredients: Chamomile infused in olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, castor oil, rice bran oil, chamomile powder, chamomile essential oil.

Weight: 100 ± 5g

Price: RM18.00 per pcs (Exclude Post Fee)

Status: 10pcs

Interested to order the soap??

Pre-order methods:

(1) Post your message or email to me and let me know the quantity of soap you want to pre-order.
(2) I will record your reservation and email back you. Please confirm the order within three days and transfer the money to my bank account; otherwise, the order will automatically cancel (unless notified).
(3) After the remittance please immediately notify to me through e-mail, state your name, amount of money and time of remittance.
(4) Soap will send to your house after full curing.

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